Arena Theater Board Election Wednesday, April 24, 6 p.m.
Memberships Keep Our Doors Open!
As a nonprofit organization, Arena Theater depends on the support and generosity of its members and donors to keep the doors open and sustain us as a vital community resource. Your tax-deductible gifts help bring diverse and exceptional events to the screen and stage.
Membership Benefits
All members will receive a membership card, movie&live show discounts, free popcorn and a member’s reward card similar to a frequent flyer pass: attend 10 movies and get the 11th free! Members also have voting rights at our yearly board elections.
Please note: A Film Club membership is separate from an Arena Theater membership; for information about the new film club structure and how to join, please click here!
Membership as a Gift
Memberships make a great gift! If you are purchasing a membership as a gift and want us to send the membership cards with perks to an address different from yours, please print out a pdf of the form below and drop it off at the theater or call our business office at (707) 882-3272 to place your membership order.
Want to Make A Donation?
If you want to make a donation without becoming a member or if you’re already a member, please fill in your personal information (name, address), then skip the membership levels part and scroll down to the bottom of the page to complete your order or mail a check to Arena Theater, PO Box 611, Point Arena, CA 95468. Thank you!
Membership Levels
- Benefactors = $1000 ~ Two cards, movie&live show discounts, 1 popcorn any size all year, 10 movie passes
- Patrons = $500 ~ Two cards, movie&live show discounts, 1 medium popcorn all year
- Sponsors = $240 ~ Two cards, movie&live show discounts, 10 medium popcorn
- Partners = $120 ~ Two cards, movie&live show discounts, 2 medium popcorn
- Member = $60 ~ One card, movie&live show discounts, 1 medium popcorn
- #30 for $30 = $30 ~ 30 years and under, One card, movie&live show discounts
Sustaining Memberships
A Sustaining Membership is an unrestricted monthly gift to support Arena Theater in a convenient, ongoing way. Each month, we will charge your credit card, debit card — or withdraw from your checking account — the amount you select below. Please click the button to start the setup process and we will contact you to set up automatic reoccurring payments.
- $5 Sustaining Membership ~ One card, movie&live show discounts, 1 medium popcorn
- $10 Sustaining Membership ~ Two cards, movie&live show discounts, 2 medium popcorn
- $20 Sustaining Membership ~ Two cards, movie&live show discounts, 10 medium popcorn