Our “Have-a-seat campaign” to pay off the solar loan is completed, but, since there are still some seats remaining, we’ve decided to offer the remaining seats as a fundraiser for Arena Theater. Donations for a seat of your choice (see the seat map for available seats) can be made any time and the $1,000 will get you a plaque acknowledging your support, either as an individual or you can get together with friends and family and split the $1,000 among as many people as you’d like. The twenty characters per line for the plaque still applies. Thank you for supporting Arena Theater!
How to Donate:
Click here to Download our Have-a-Seat Donation Form, then fill it out and mail it with your check for $1000.00 to:
Arena Theater
Have-A-Seat Campaign
PO Box 611
Point Arena, CA, 95468
For more information, to donate by phone, or have a form mailed to you, please call the business office at 707 882-3272.