Arena Theater strives to stay relevant in today’s shifting technology, and is open to any suggestions (and donations!) on further means to stay current with industry standards. The list below explains the current live sound audio capabilities of the Arena Theater. We also have backline options depending upon the band needs.
Backend Setup
- Cross-overs / time alignment / EQ / limiting / etc. for FOH and Monitor is performed by 2 Rane RPM-88 processors. A rotary switch allows selection of various configurations including Cinema / Live Sound / Single Mics / Other Media.
- Soundcraft Si Impact
- 32 Mic Inputs
- Compression/EQ/gate/delay/+48v on each channel
- Four on board digital effects channels
- Four monitor sends via channel fed Aux outputs
- Graphic EQ available for every output
- 1/8″ trs connection at console for auxiliary audio connections
- Talkback mic at console
- 8 ea SM58 microphones
- 10 ea SM57 microphones
- 3 ea SM94 condensor mics
- Beta52 kick mic
- 5 ea DI boxes with Gnd lift
Front of House
- A Left-Center-Right array (short throw / long throw speakers) across the top of the
- The LCR cabs are EAW model MK2364/94 (6 total) Speakers are bi-amped.
- 4 each 18″ Radian subs under the front of the
- There are custom-programmed presets for…
- [Flat Without Subs] nice for acoustic music
- [Flat With Subs] nice for medium rock
- [Subs With Bass Boost] reggae & hip hop & loud rock, etc
- Amps are QSC PLX-3402 (subs & mids) and QSC RMX-850 (Horns)
- 700 watts for each mid x 6 = 4200 watts
- 200 watts for each horn x 6 = 1200 watts
- 550 watts for each sub x 4 = 2200 watts
- 7600 watts available to blast yer ears and rumble yer
- 4 monitor mixes
- 8 general purpose floor monitor speakers (12” 70Hz LF cutoff)
- 2 Large (4 x 12” + Horn) full range cabs available for special use
- Amps are Crown XLS602 providing 600 watts at 4 Up to 4 cabs per channel (2 ohm load)
- On board digital graphic EQ available for each monitor mix
- Feedback suppression available via Rane processor
Thanks to Stillman Sound, Chris Campbell, Ian Stinson and Eric Dalhoff for their contributions to the Arena Theater Sound System, and of course, thanks to all the members, donors and supporters who provided additional funds!